I was commissioned by Open-City and Art in the Open to lead a day event at Tate Modern for young ambassadors (aged 12-19) as part of the consultation programme My City Too! During the day the ambassadors considered how light is used and could be employed creatively in the public realm.
After a walk around Southwark to experience first hand a number of artist interventions using light, the participants considered questions such as: how do we respond to light? how and why do artists use light? what positive aspects of light can we ask artists to develop that are appropriate to us in the public realm? The ambassadors responded to these questions by interacting with different materials, using images, text and installation to initiate discussion.
The findings of the workshop were later presented to the Mayor of London’s advisory body for architecture and the built environment Design for London. My City Too! was established to consult and engage with young people in London about their future urban environment and to use their findings to inform policy-making decisions in the London.