A series of five photographs looking towards the horizon over coastal waters along the east Suffolk coast at Aldeburgh, Orford Ness, Bawdsey, Felixstowe and Landguard Point. Taken from inside looking out of domestic, maritime leisure and industrial architecture, the windows act as apertures through which we can scan the horizon and look east.
The digital images are mounted on dichroic film that creates an illusion of subtly coloured light emanating from the image as our viewpoint moves.
This work was shown alongside Tamise, Pas de Calais, Antifer / Thames, Dover, Wight, a text-sound installation charting the shipping forecast for coastal waters from Felixstowe to Le Havre. As visitors move around the exhibition, they trigger bi-lingual excerpts that chart the coastal weather of a journey from Suffolk to Normandy by sea.
Both works formed part of a group exchange in which three Suffolk-based artists worked with three artists from Normandy, France to create an exhibition Aller-Retour at Le Fort de Tourneville, Le Havre, France in 2019.